Gonna summarise everything cos if I were to go into detail, it’d be way too long.
Live poker the last few weeks: Horrible. Went to CHL closing night. Played the 100e FO. Got busted on a bluff. The silver lining in a grey cloud? At least I went out early. Better than bubbling in my eyes. That’s the way I always see it. Played cash in the Fitz afterwards. Lost a big pot vs. a crazy and stupid Chinese gambler. Dropped around 800e that night. Felt burnt out. Suffered depression for a few days.. Tried to quit poker. Found it impossible. (online poker too much of a demon) But have quit live poker since. The appeal of the live poker scene will just never be the same without CHL.
Online poker: Shit. Just restricted myself to HU SnG during the dark days following the night mentioned above. Ran ok I guess. Lol. Almost successfully refrained from playing MTT, but I suffered a relapse and played an IPO rebuy sat for $5. 24 runners, only 1 prize (an IPO ticket). Didn’t bother purchasing an add on. Picked my spots, completely ran riot on the FT. Had a 3:1 chip lead HU. I choked. Hated myself so much afterwards. Again, tried to give up poker. Impossible. Suddenly woke up one day and thought if I’m going to spend my evenings playing poker, I might as well make an effort to improve and actually profit as opposed to dicking about just to kill time as I always do. So downloaded Holdem indicator cos its more basic and easy to understand than PT or Holdem Manager (still cant get my head around it). Deposited $100 and dived straight into the 100nl game, despite having been a losing player at 20nl loll! Spent a total of about 9/10 hours playing over three days. (not 9/10 hours per day!) Got $900 in my account now. The stats are invaluable whilst playing. But the cynic in me is just waiting for variance to come around and bite me in the arse. Will stick to playing cash games for now.
IDP: Fitzwilliam made a brilliant offer. We’ve organised a deep stack tournament for Oct. €63 + €7 reg freeze out. 10k stack with 30min blinds. Free food. Simply excellent value for money. Limited to 80 players but only 18 registered so far. Deaf ppl don’t realise how good they have it. If this was a normal tournament, it’ll be sold out by now.
Work: Supervisor signed the probationary review of my work the past year and recommend that I be offered a permanent position in the civil services. As soon as I receive official notification that I am going to get a permanent position, I’m gonna stick in a request for a year’s career break and go travelling after xmas. Sick of Ireland, sick of my job (already) and I’m 24 for christ sake, I’ve got all my life to go to waste in that shit job of mine so I might as well sample the world while I’m in the prime of my youth.
Footie: Got roped in into returning to footie with DCU last week. Went along to see how I feel. Have gone training three times so far. Still need more time to decide if I wanna change my mind about quitting.
Social life: God it sucks. Every weekend I try to get a few lads to go out for a session. I always get the same answer- Money problems. Ah I give up.
That’s it.. Cannot be bothered to ramble on and just as well cos I usually ramble on about nothing vaguely interesting.
Its been too long...
13 years ago