Friday, August 15, 2008

Theme: Hilarity

I wrote a long post. Then I realised how fucking boring I sounded so I just deleted it and opted for the short but no-nonsense post.

Online poker:
Blah blah blah. For a thick shit like me, after a year I've finally figured out how to set up PT3! Still didn’t stop me from losing $500! :) But I’ve clawed it back to $350. Still in black though, yay go me I’m like sooooooooooo great at this game!

Live poker:
Pfft. None. Well unless you count the IDP game as a credible game of poker in which case I steamrolled the table and then donked away my chips to a big donkey, Julianne who went on to take it down with an even BIGGER donkey, David Bowers, taking 2nd place. Literally everybody at tha
t table was a donkey. It’s just that I was the most talented donkey, with my elaborate bluffs, floats and hero calls. Go me for being so great! Y’all got nothing on me, d’ya hear me?! I recieved a very funny email at work yesterday. It made me guffaw so loudly my desk neighbour gave me a funny look so I called him over to look and then we started guffawing in harmony. We shared a special moment. It touched me deep inside my soul…

Quality! Non league footie fans at their finest! The goalie had just let in a soft goal
Wellington Utd v Maidstone

Anyway whatever. I’m bored. Send me some comments cos I’m just craving attention. I’m even thinking of buying my own domain for this blog just to highlight my own self-importance. Reckon I oughta call it…. Oh god, its 12.30pm, 5 more hours to go... Time. Drags. On. Very. Slowly.


QueenJ said...

I'm a donkey now?!!! Get outta here, you did't play ONE hand straight... only bluffs and hero calls! LOL! You went from chipleader to 3rd place when you should have won. LOL! Well done on the online successes x

susiewoosie said...

You're such a sap!

Just had to say it.. ye can call me whatever you want!

I'm still grring at the play from last Sats game...

just so grrrrr