Monday, December 29, 2008
Swearing off cash games...
As I post, I'm just getting ready for Day 2 of the Leprechaun Open. I'm feeling a bit rusty, this being the only poker I've played (apart from drunken poker with my mates) for a long long time and at times I felt that I failed to recognise particular spots where a steal would have gone through. More live poker is needed to address that. But anyways, I've a moderately healthy stack of 75k, with 50k being the average. You can follow updates on boards, a new thread should be created somewhere here.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
“Sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly.” ~Edward Albee
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Who said poker was a beautiful game?
Right I haven't blogged in good while so since I'm in work, I suppose I might as well update this page with tales of sorry performances as of late. I hope by blogging about it, I'll banish them to the month of November and start December afresh. It's nearing the end of the month so I'll give a quick summary of how it went.
Online has been really pathetic. I'm not even going to blame the amount of sick beats and bad play that I have had to endure. The truth behind my lame performances this month is because of the attitude I developed. I have literally become independent on poker tracker and my cash game has suffered as a result of playing like a robot. I've stopped taking notes. I don't try to make any improvement. I've become lazy and never get around to reading poker theory and 2+2. I've slacked off big time and my bankroll has taken a massive whopping because of that. Last weekend I happened to come across an article written by a player who posts on boards. Reading it, I found myself guilty of what he had warned against, relying on stats. Afterwards I decided to take a break from playing cash and hopefully it'll serve to refresh my attitude and make me focused when I get back to playing them cos right now, I'm only gonna bust my roll if I continue playing cash games within my current frame of mind.
My tournament game is okay I think, online. I've only played a very small handful, probably around 7 cos I can't be arsed to play tournaments most of the time. But whenever I'm in the rare humour to play an online tournament, I like the MTT SnG on stars because the seats fill up so fast and the tournaments start pretty much instantly. I've either cashed or won in 5 of them and got knocked out really early in the other two. Last night I was dicking about on GJP and won a ticket for the grand final satellite into the European Deepstack. But if I'm not in the mood to play when it comes around, I might as well not bother cos I'm not gonna do well if I'm not focused.
I haven't played that much live. Only played deaf tournaments so far this month. My form reads like this
Played 5, Won 1, Lost 4
Two of these tournaments were took place in Stockholm, which was a beautiful city. Our hostel was top class, it was pratically a hotel! Defintely worth the money we paid. The night-life was okay but I think that was because we went to the wrong areas where it was too posh for us.
The first one was a €100+10 tournament in a private poker club on Friday night but in stereotypical fashion, us Irish visitors stood out like sore thumbs among our Scandinavian peers as we were already drunk when we got there. Rob lasted longest, coming 3rd out of 40-something players as we drunkenly railed him. The old guy with the tattoos was a great source of amusement on my starting table, he was so bad. Christer Markvelle went all in on a KQ74Q board and this guy made the call as if he had a monster hand and triumphantly tossed over absoulte shite J8 and duly gifted Christer the glut of his 10k starting stack. I couldn't hold it in, and had to stand up and turn away to laugh cos that's how funny it was.
The second tournmanet was a €50+10 tournament in casino cosmopol the next day. It attracted 116 players, of whom the majority were just poor. When the field had narrowed to 30 players or so, I was the chip leader of the tournament and really fancied my chances of making serious cash. Until a short stack went all in against my pre flop raise with 5h6h to my AJo, and spiked a 5 on the river. I just went on tilt and cursed the poker gods, and from there on it was a slippery slope till I busted in 25th place or so. After playing in Gothenburg and Stockholm, there's three things I don't like about Cosmopol.
1- Their starting stack of 3k
2- Their steep blind structure
3-The 20% registration fee
While I think it's great that the Swedish poker societies can attract 100+ players to their tournaments, I don't think there's any value in Cosmopol's tournaments so in future I'm just gonna stick to playing poker in the Swedish Deaf clubs on Friday night cos it's better value for money. I'm still gonna go to Gothenburg in May but am only gonna play PTIG tournaments, not Cosmopol's.
All in all, if it isn't already obvious from the tone of this post, I'm feeling really fed up of poker. It's annoying the hell out of me that I cant take a proper break from the game altogether cos I invariably end up playing it when I'm bored at home in evenings and have nothing else to do. But what buggers me most of all, is unless I TRY to constantly improve, I'm not going to get out of this rut and I don't even know if I have the desire to do that.
Poker. What a sick game.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My first royal flush!!
Green Joker Poker Manilla 0.25/0.50, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker
Visit Hand HQ to purchase hand histories from a range of sites, game types and levels.
saw flop | saw showdown
Button ($171.87)
SB ($9.88)
BB BB ($51.60)
UTG Hero ($41.50)
UTG+1 UTG+1 ($39.99)
CO ($78.78)
Preflop: Hero is UTG with K

Hero raises to 2, UTG+1 calls 2, 3 folds, BB calls 1.50.
Flop (6.25) J

BB checks, Hero bets 3.12, 1 fold, BB calls 3.12.
Turn (12.49) T

BB checks, Hero checks.
River (12.49) 6

BB bets 7, Hero raises to 33.49, BB moves all-in for 39.48, Hero moves all-in for 2.89
BB shows 6

Hero shows K

Hero wins 95.35 with Straight (Diamonds) with Ace high
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A good old ramble...
Online Poker - Making the adjustment to 6-max 50NL
As of my last post, I have dropped from 100NL 8-max to 50NL and exclusively played 6-max online and have developed a style that is shaping to be boarding on the line of LAG/self-destructive. I have tried to work on reducing my passiveness pre-flop and my positional play, I think so far these aspects are certainly getting better but in I'm starting to get a bit risqué with the aggressiveness so I'm going to have to work on my reducing V$IP and using the the aggressiveness more selectively. Nonetheless it's far far too early, as I’ve played less than 1k of hands so it’ll take a bigger sample of my stats to analyse the weaknesses in my 6-max game
International Poker Open 17-19th October
Having slept for way too long, I woke up on the Saturday to realise it was almost 1pm and with the tournament due to kick off at 2pm. I rushed out of the house without any food but managed to arrive at the Regency hotel just a couple of minutes before the cards went up on the air. There were a few faces I recognised out of the 650 odd people that were playing Day 1b, but there were no familiar faces at my table.
The standard of play at my table was passive so I quickly got stuck in with the raises to accumulate chips as early as possible. The only player I felt that was capable of playing back at me was Martin, who I think was the only Irish person at my table as the French came over to Dublin in their droves. Fortunately for me, I had immediate position on him, which was a massive advantage. I liked one hand, which he set up a trap in which I dodged only because of something he had said beforehand. I had raised from all spots in position whenever it was limped around to me. Martin had previously limped several times into me only to get raised. He mutters something about the “others waiting for me” or something like that. So a few hands later, I'm on the button, blinds are 50-100 and I get dealt A10suited. Two people limp into the pot and Martin limps in from CO. I would have raised since I was raising with ATC in position but Martin limping in from that position after that comment I found his limp odd so I folded. As it turned out he flopped a set of nines but got no callers to his bet. Nothing very special about that hand I'm sure you'll agree, it was this hand and the way he played that made me rate him because he was the only one that was really observant and conscious of image. As it turned out I had 19k going into the first break when the average was about 11k. But I lost half of it after I had been dealt 99. EP raises 650, folded around to me in CO+1 I re-raised to 1,800 with 99. EP calls. Flop comes down J67. He checks and I pushed and he snap-called with KJ offsuit. We're both retarded here I think. Pre-flop him calling off 20% of his stack with KJo out of position, post flop I'm retarded for pushing with 99 when I think I should have just bet a wee bit over half the pot and get away from it when he calls or pushes. A couple of levels later, I get dealt 87d and a woman who has just been moved to our table makes it 1,000 to go from EP. I call from CO+1, as does the button and the BB. Pot is now worth 4k and I've only 8k behind. Flop comes down Jd9d4h. The woman bets out 4k and with a straight flush draw, I push and the rest fold and she calls with AA. I miss my 12 outs on the turn and river to see an end to my brief run in the International Poker Open.
I thoroughly enjoyed the tournament. My only gripe that the temperatures kept fluctuating to make me nauseous as the room was really hot but my table was by the door to the smoking area so a draught of coldness would sweep by every time someone went out for a smoke. But nonetheless, I thought that had the tournament very well set up and it was great value with 20k added to the prizepool by the Boylepoker the sponsors. I'll probably play again next year barring unforeseen circumstances!
IDP deepstack weekend
After several months of planning and promoting our weekend, our deepstack weekend got underway on Friday evening. We had bought three tables but word was that there would be a good number of new Irish players turning up at the Deaf club so we ordered two more tables in desperation on the Friday morning and the website owner was able to deliver them by the evening before the poker night! Just as well as 5 tables proved to be not enough because we had to set up an extra two more as the Swedes, Finnish, British and of course the Irish arrived throughout the night. The games on offer were Sit & Go's that varied from €10 to €30. The IDP team didn't play in any of them as we were all very busy but as the night went on and things quietened down, we temporarily relived ourselves of our duties every now and again to indulge in Heads Up games. I only played the one game against Gerry Grehan for €40 and took it down within 5 mins when my JJ held up against his 55. I can't really recollect everything as it was busy for us all, but at the end of the night I felt extremely satisfied and pleased with how the night went without any hitches. It was a defining moment for the IDP team as we all worked in tandem and I felt that they were superb. After the poker, we all went to the pub afterwards and just got drunk in Quinn's pub! I just can't get enough of their cold bottles of Stella Artois!
The following morning, with a hangover in tow I got out of bed and got the bus to meet the Swedes at their hotel only to arrive to find that they had already left to go to the Fitz. I get there to see a deaf cash game going so I sit down and make €90 before we all had to go upstairs to play the tournament. At my table I arrive to find that to my left was Niklas Wanjura and to my right was David Johnsson, both of whom I have played before in Gothenburg. (Niklas was at my first table and I later joined him at the final table with David). So I was sandwiched between two good players and the fact Niklas had immediate position on me was far from ideal.
Play began and it was as passive as I expected it to be, for Deaf people love to call and see the flop so I went into aggressive mode to try and get as many chips as quickly as possible to be absorb any sick beats that I thought I would receive at the later stages. Little did I know I wouldn't get remotely as far as I thought I would. Da

At the time I was pissed off with the 44 hand, for it really put me on tilt and I never got over it, but now as I'm typing this I think I played the hand badly too. As impossible as it was to put a player like Larry on a hand, he could have had a K or Q so I can't go criticising his play before criticising mine. It was reckless and against a calling station, I should have slowed down on the turn and river instead of firing bets at every street. So I need to take a good long hard look at myself and stop going into cash-mode during tournaments.
Anyway Henry McDougall went on to take the tournament down, winning €1,300 which was a fantastic win for him as he had won his deepstack ticket in our private tournament when I gave away the ticket that I had won in our freeroll. On the other hand, the first person to exit the tournament, Stefan Weitmann went downstairs to the blackjack tables and played €1/2 PL and left the casino with a €1,500 profit so it goes to show that contrary to popular thinking amongst the deaf community, an early tournament exit doesn't necessarily make one a bad poker player,
My next live tournament will be in Stockholm. I'm really looking forward to the weekend away and catching up with the Swedes but the tournament will be as tough as it was in Gothenburg, not because of the standard of players but because of the blind structure and starting stack. So in order to do well, I need a lot of luck just like I had in Gothenburg but if I must get knocked out, I pray that it will be early and not late so that I can perform like Stefan Weitmann at the cash tables and make a nice profit!
Friday, October 17, 2008
What goes up, must go down
Since my last post, I have practically lost almost all my profits from playing 100nl 8-max. Of all the leaks I have, tilt is the biggest I think. My biggest and last losing session was when I lost $350 in like the space of 45 minutes. I was playing three tables and I had AA cracked twice in the space of 5 minutes after getting it all in pre-flop, AK no good against Queens and the worse of all, even with steam coming out of my ears, I carried on at one table where I was down to $50 but got it up to $175 with a hyper-aggression mode (cos I was on tilt)... I had everyone covered except for one passive player who kept making these unbelievable suck-outs on everyone with shit like A-9, KJ... Anyway it's folded around to me in the SB and I've got 33. I raise to $3.50, wanting to steal his big blind.. He re-raises to $20, which is a really huge raise. I either was going to re-raise or fold cos I don't want to call. I thought about his re-raise, he seen me play aggro and thought he'd play back at me. The size of his raise looked like he wanted me to go away so I put him on A-J or some stupid hand cos of the way he had been playing at the table and his stats (54/16) so I quickly took the orthodoxy (I dunno if thats actually a word!) decision to go all-in in my tilted wisdom... He dwells so I'm starting to think my read is right. He leaves it till the very very very last possible second and then calls. With fucking Aces. Slow-rolling prick. The board doesn't help and I'm just reeling from the worse losing night I've had playing online. He taunts me in the chatbox and I rise to the bait and proceed to bombard the chatbox with abuse to vent my frustration before slamming my laptop shut and it takes all my willpower to stop myself from hurling it against the wall.
And I haven't played 100nl since. Lol! That night badly affected my bankroll. Of course as I write about the hand, I look back on it and I think what an idiot I was, but at the time the table dynamics and emotions clouded my judgement.
But anyway I've dropped to playing 50nl. I've decided to try and adjust to 6-max which was something I have wanted to do anyway. I haven't gotten that many hands in yet though but so far the sessions have been okay. I definitely don't feel out of my depth there so I hope to be back playing 100nl when my bankroll has been recovered.
I cant put up a graph cos I'm blogging from work which is just as well cos I'd be too embarrassed! =)
Anyway I played live the other weekend for the 1st time since CHL closed down. It was a €55 DC in Silks Casino where Luke is now managing the poker floor. With 1k guaranteed, there was an overlay of €300 as there were 14 players. I had a bit of difficulty re-adjusting to live play after having played almost exclusively online since CHL closed. I wasn't as conscious of stack and pot sizes as I once used to be as I had gotten into the bad habit of just glancing at my opponents balance and pot size online. I didn't play very well and busted out in 8th place or so. I'm not so sure about Silks, I have to go there again before I settle on my initial judgement. I'll say this though, I don't like the tables. Actually I don't like any tables where they have accumulated layer of layer of cloth on top of each other over the years to the point where the table is too soft and you can't stack your chips cos then they will just wobble.
Anyway I'm playing in the IPO tomorrow. Paid the buy in of €150 to play. I wasn't going to play in it after getting so close to winning a satellite ticket into it but changed my mind cos it'll be a shame to miss out on playing in the biggest tournament in Europe with 1,300 people playing! I'm slightly concerned about re-adjusting to live play but hopefully I'll run good cos luck will play a big part if anyone is going to cash from a field that big.
The following weekend is the IDP weekend. The main event is the deepstack tournament on Saturday so I really am looking forward to it. 10K stack for €70 game. Food and drink inclusive of €7 reg. 30 min blinds. I really think this has the best structure and value of all the deaf tournaments in Europe. The only thing is that the standard of play will be quite crap cos there are so many players that have just learnt how to play. But then again, I should be happy about that cos I reckon I have an edge over them.
I'll be back after the deepstack weekend to write about it, so until then good luck!
Monday, September 15, 2008
PokerTracker milestone
It has taken me almost a day's worth of playing two tables for a month to reach the mighty figure of 2k worth of hands. While lots of poker players are easily able to play 1k of hands in a single session, nonetheless I am kind of relieved and in some ways proud that I have been able to get my head around PokerTracker after frustrating myself with my illeratcy when it comes to computers and the like. I'm still in the learning process of using PT3, I've tried to use the tools available to the best of my ability. I'm enjoying it as I feel it is improving my cash game quite somewhat, after having to endure a long time having to play without any stats and getting beat at 20nl when I knew much to my frustration I was better than that. I felt trapped by my own inability to understand how to set up PT3 stats until I installed Holdem indicator and based the set-up of my PT3 stats on theirs. Once I got used to PT3, I added more stats and have never used Holdem Indicator since.
I didn't have a great month in August as I mentioned I had only just started using PT3 and it took some time to get used to. I know the profits shown is nothing special but it's not what I'm most pleased about. I'm more pleased with myself for getting used to PT3 more than anything. I don't really have any case for complaint anymore, gone are the days I complain that I'm on perma-tilt cos the players have edge over me simply cos they have stats and I don't. So if I'm losing, I no longer have anyone to look at but myself.
After the first 1k of hands played, I decided to import 250k worth of i-poker hand history 100nl full ring which I bought for $13. Althought they took like forever to import, they were invaluable! I had a lot more information on my opponents and was able to make decisions better based on their stats. After that, I enjoyed a wee upturn in my results in the second half of the 2k of hands played.
Like a mother showing off photos of her newborn baby, I've posted screen shots of my PT3 results.

It's bizarre looking at the player vs player summary and to see I've lost $2,608.81.
In euros thats €1,828.90 that I have played with and lost. It's a bit frightening to think I've played with so much money within a month. (It's a lot of money to me anyway) That's another good thing about PT3, if I was a losing player I wouldn't be so conscious of how much I have had put on the line and would probably carry on playing, depositing money here and there until I woke up one day and realised I had no money left in my bank account. The only thing is that it's offset by a profit of $3,205 (€2,249), so for now I'm not just yet on the poverty line.
I still haven't played live poker since Cool Hand Lukes closed down. (Actually I've played IDP tournaments but they're totally different) I miss it terribly. The people and the feel of the building made it a special place. I don't like the other places. Admittedly I no longer find any appeal in playing live cash as it's too slow and the rake is too high. But I miss playing the tournaments of which CHL had a great schedule that suited me right down to a Tee. I just hope Dublin city centre will be blessed with a place like CHL again in the near future.
That said, I've registered for the Boylesport International Poker Open which will take place 17-19 October. It should be good with 1,200 players expected to play. But funnily enough I'm more looking forward to the following weekend, when we shall be having our Deepstack tournament in the Fitzwilliam card club on the Saturday. This will easily get 80 runners, maybe 90 if we can get 10 more, I am very proud of this tournament for the numbers have exceeded our expectations and going by other deaf tournaments in Europe, I like to think that we are setting a bench-mark in terms of value, starting stack and registration fee.
On a related note, we had an online freeroll satellite last monday on our sponsors site, Betway. With $100 in the prizepool courtesy of Betway and two tickets to the deepstack event for the top 2 up for grabs, this tournament was password protected. However somewhere along the line, it was leaked to a large number of Latvians who registered. There were a 70 players in total registered for the freeroll, and at a guess I would say 50 of them were not eligible for the tickets which was really disappointing because the point of the whole tournament was to promote the Deepstack tournament. Anyways, it was crazy at the start cos players kept going All-In with trash, but these lunatics committed suicide anyway and got busted. I still had to contend with a vast majority of Lativans as I was determined earn a ticket outright to protect the intergity of Deaf poker. However it was not to be, as the odds were stacked against the three deaf players that reached the final table. Cathy (Forever Late) got blinded out and when she did finally log in, she didn't have enough chips to do anything meaningful. It was left to myself and Christer Markevell (chrism1974) from Sweden to represent the Deaf against the pesky Latvians. I was short stacked than him going into the final table, but had to play aggressively cos that's the best way to play really. Christer got knocked out in 7th place, I tried to finish in the top 2 but it wasn't to be when my JJ was no good against KK and I was out in third place. However, I emailed our Betway representative to complain about the Lativans and he said that the 2 tickets could be awarded to the highest place eligible finishers which meant myself and Christer earned ourselves a ticket. I was glad to give the good news to Christer because he was unhappy just like all of us.
Even though I knew I had nothing to feel guilty about, I still felt a bit bad so being the good samaritan I am, I decided to run my own private freeroll and give away my ticket to the winner. The tournament took place tonight and I exited early when I ran my jacks into Susan's Aces which was bitter sweet revenge after I had busted her the previous week. Henry McDougall (PocketAces81) later went on to take it down. This time the feedback from the players was positive as there were no gate-crashers so that was the most pleasing thing I took from the tournament as I like that everybody enjoyed themselves.
Right I've waffled on far too long so I'm just going to stop here. Best of luck at the tables and be good! ;-)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What made him think Q poor kicker was winning?
Question: Did you find that reading books and forums on poker helped your game. Or was it all down to your sheer experience of sitting down playing at a casino learning from your own mistakes?
Marty Smyth: I didn't read any books although i wish i had as it might have saved a bit of time. i learned from watching other good players and trying to work out what they were doing better than me and try to understand why those things made sense and understand what i was doing wrong and what i had to change. if i bluffed and someone called me with bottom pair i wouldn't just think - 'what a clown'... i'd think - what did i do in the way that i played the hand that made him think bottom pair was winning, then the next time a similar situation occurs i'd be better at navigating my way through the hand.
The reason why I like that answer is because I'm the guy that thinks "what a clown" when a bluff doesn't come off againt bottom pair. I never stop to think the way that Marty analyses his mistakes and learns from them.
Anyway after reading Marty's well, I found myself loading up the GJP client and sitting down at 2 tables. I hadn't been sat down for more than 5 mins when I clashed with a LAG, whose nut flush draw was no good against my full house. About half an hour later, I get dealt AKo. I lack confidence playing it because AKo is a big loser on my PT3 database . I basically get nervous at the sight of it, its potentially a big hand but that's all it is. Potentially a big hand. The thing is I'm guilty of over-playing it.
In this hand, the villian was really passive during the 47 hands he played: 44/14/5.3
So I decided to take the aggressive line with AKo and play it hard into such a passive player (on further analysis, my min-raise 3bet on the turn is not aggressive enough)
The following pot is the biggest pot I've won ever since I downloaded PT3 (admittedly I haven't played that much, only got 839 hands in),but instead of being happy, I can't help but think I played this hand badly. As Marty says, I must have been doing something to make him think his pair of queens with a weak kicker was winning. And it was! All the way until the river when one of my 12 outs came to my rescue. So the question has been bugging me all day when I think about this hand.
Green Joker Poker Boron 0.50/1, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker
saw flop | saw showdown
Button NoRiskNoReward ($135.50)
SB xliy341 ($106.90)
BB Red Al ($15.50)
UTG ChiliHotDog ($115.97)
UTG+1 johnie5tits ($214)
MP rokmptl ($101.70)
CO-1 Hero ($188.90)
CO roro1982 ($217.10)
Preflop: Hero is in the CO-1 with A

3 folds, Hero raises to 3.50, roro1982 calls 3.50, 3 folds.
Flop (8.50) 6

Hero bets 4.75, roro1982 calls 4.75.
Turn (18.00) J

Hero bets 14.30, roro1982 raises to 28.60, Hero raises to 60, roro1982 calls 31.40.
River (152.30) A

Hero checks, roro1982 bets 148.85, Hero moves all-in for 120.65
Hero shows A

roro1982 shows 4

Hero wins 421.80 with One pair, Aces
Monday, August 18, 2008
Balls of steel..
"The battle between The Bomber Nolan and Annette has been decided. Annette raised to 400 with AK and Bomber called, flop came K 10 4 and Annette bet 1350 which was called, the turn came a 5 and Annette moved all-in for 10K, Bomber called and turned over 54, blank on the river and Annette is out."
I couldn't help but admire the balls of this guy, playing against one of the top players in the world. I really really like this hand simply because this guy clearly thinks in a way that is unorthodox to many players... Bomber Nolan (he even has a cool nickname) I salute you!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Theme: Hilarity
Online poker: Blah blah blah. For a thick shit like me, after a year I've finally figured out how to set up PT3! Still didn’t stop me from losing $500! :) But I’ve clawed it back to $350. Still in black though, yay go me I’m like sooooooooooo great at this game!
Live poker: Pfft. None. Well unless you count the IDP game as a credible game of poker in which case I steamrolled the table and then donked away my chips to a big donkey, Julianne who went on to take it down with an even BIGGER donkey, David Bowers, taking 2nd place. Literally everybody at that table was a donkey. It’s just that I was the most talented donkey, with my elaborate bluffs, floats and hero calls. Go me for being so great! Y’all got nothing on me, d’ya hear me?! I recieved a very funny email at work yesterday. It made me guffaw so loudly my desk neighbour gave me a funny look so I called him over to look and then we started guffawing in harmony. We shared a special moment. It touched me deep inside my soul…
Quality! Non league footie fans at their finest! The goalie had just let in a soft goal
Wellington Utd v Maidstone
Anyway whatever. I’m bored. Send me some comments cos I’m just craving attention. I’m even thinking of buying my own domain for this blog just to highlight my own self-importance. Reckon I oughta call it…. Oh god, its 12.30pm, 5 more hours to go... Time. Drags. On. Very. Slowly.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Title me silly
Live poker the last few weeks: Horrible. Went to CHL closing night. Played the 100e FO. Got busted on a bluff. The silver lining in a grey cloud? At least I went out early. Better than bubbling in my eyes. That’s the way I always see it. Played cash in the Fitz afterwards. Lost a big pot vs. a crazy and stupid Chinese gambler. Dropped around 800e that night. Felt burnt out. Suffered depression for a few days.. Tried to quit poker. Found it impossible. (online poker too much of a demon) But have quit live poker since. The appeal of the live poker scene will just never be the same without CHL.
Online poker: Shit. Just restricted myself to HU SnG during the dark days following the night mentioned above. Ran ok I guess. Lol. Almost successfully refrained from playing MTT, but I suffered a relapse and played an IPO rebuy sat for $5. 24 runners, only 1 prize (an IPO ticket). Didn’t bother purchasing an add on. Picked my spots, completely ran riot on the FT. Had a 3:1 chip lead HU. I choked. Hated myself so much afterwards. Again, tried to give up poker. Impossible. Suddenly woke up one day and thought if I’m going to spend my evenings playing poker, I might as well make an effort to improve and actually profit as opposed to dicking about just to kill time as I always do. So downloaded Holdem indicator cos its more basic and easy to understand than PT or Holdem Manager (still cant get my head around it). Deposited $100 and dived straight into the 100nl game, despite having been a losing player at 20nl loll! Spent a total of about 9/10 hours playing over three days. (not 9/10 hours per day!) Got $900 in my account now. The stats are invaluable whilst playing. But the cynic in me is just waiting for variance to come around and bite me in the arse. Will stick to playing cash games for now.
IDP: Fitzwilliam made a brilliant offer. We’ve organised a deep stack tournament for Oct. €63 + €7 reg freeze out. 10k stack with 30min blinds. Free food. Simply excellent value for money. Limited to 80 players but only 18 registered so far. Deaf ppl don’t realise how good they have it. If this was a normal tournament, it’ll be sold out by now.
Work: Supervisor signed the probationary review of my work the past year and recommend that I be offered a permanent position in the civil services. As soon as I receive official notification that I am going to get a permanent position, I’m gonna stick in a request for a year’s career break and go travelling after xmas. Sick of Ireland, sick of my job (already) and I’m 24 for christ sake, I’ve got all my life to go to waste in that shit job of mine so I might as well sample the world while I’m in the prime of my youth.
Footie: Got roped in into returning to footie with DCU last week. Went along to see how I feel. Have gone training three times so far. Still need more time to decide if I wanna change my mind about quitting.
Social life: God it sucks. Every weekend I try to get a few lads to go out for a session. I always get the same answer- Money problems. Ah I give up.
That’s it.. Cannot be bothered to ramble on and just as well cos I usually ramble on about nothing vaguely interesting.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
What a disaster
BAADDDD idea for two reasons:
1-Even playing one table, I still suck, so to even think of playing 4 tables was obscene!
2-I moved up to 50nl. Why I moved up when I cannot even beat 20nl playing one table- I cannot give any reasoning other than I am just plain f**king stupid.
Anyways I deposited $200 on Monday night and ended up with a $50 profit. Even though that's nothing, I thought it was great and was well chuffed I didn't lose money for once. Just as I was starting to think that maybe I'm not as bad as I think I am, the very next day, I multi-tabled 4 tables again and duly blew the lot.. Well done Ciarán, great thinking(!!!) Only plus was I managed to tally 200 FT points in that duration so I'm 50 points off gettin a free PT3. I was always going to lose money online anyway, so I might as well get free stuff for doing it! lol!! The only positive note of the night was that I took down the boardsie tournament on stars. Not too sure how much I won. It wasn't much but at least I won something online and gave me back some dignity after the FT farce.
Downloaded the ladbrokes poker client last night just to specifically satellite my way into the Killarney poker festival as I'm not paying €550 to play in the Main Event! Will play a satellite sometime this week, there's no real urgency anyways. I hope to see some deafies there so you guys better start trying to qualify as well! :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Brag: How to turn €20 into €1,200 in 12 hours
- Buy into a €20 satellite tournament at Cool Hand Lukes at 6.30pm
- Win a ticket for the €115 Freezeout later that evening
- Agree a 5-way deal in above tournament, taking €750 because you were the chip-leader
- Bring winnings to Fitz and sit down with a little bit of it, €160
- Cash out at 6.30am with €1,200 in your wallet
€100 per hour, hmmm.... I run good :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
APAT Madness
Flop: 2s5sJd Turn: 10s (BOLLOCKS!) River: Blank.
I’m sent tumbling out somewhere in the wilderness of 90thish place out of 140 runners. I’m not too upset about my exit hand; I would gladly accept a race against AK with queens every time if my tournament life depended on it. At least I got the chips in good and that’s the very best I can do really.
I go downstairs to play Blackjack for a wee while, losing €60. Then I see a regular from my local game and he persuades me to play €20 rebuy Omaha/Hold’em ROE tournament. I am still getting to grips with
I had meant to go home at
Friday, June 13, 2008
APAT here I come!
I haven’t played a tournament with such a good structure and clock since the PartyPoker Irish Poker Championship in Galway at the start of 2008. Most of the €100 tournaments in Dublin have a 25 minute clock with 8k starting stack so the main reason why I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s tournament is because we get a 10k starting stack with a 40minute clock which is superb for only €96!!! As always with every time I enter a tournament, I hope to go deep and cash! But if I get knocked out-may it be early and not close to the bubble!! That would just annoy me!
APAT will be doing updates so keep an eye out for one of us!!! Hope one of us takes it down!
I’ve been playing online the last few days. God I totally suck at online poker. I don’t have any reads on players and also I think online poker favours the mathematical players of which I certainly am not! I really have to do something about my online game- it sucks so much it embarrasses me.
I’ve been trying to organise a sponsorship package for IDP, I’ve been emailing a few companies but the best deal offered so far has been Betway. I was lucky to meet a Betway representative in Gothenburg and I asked him if they would sponsor us. He got his UK based colleague to contact me and they offered a very nice deal. I don’t think the other companies I emailed will come up with a better deal so I hope to have the Betway deal wrapped up over the next week or two.
Gonna play the usual €20 satellite in CHL later. My usual friday tournament!
And I finally managed to put up a SHORT post! No rambling for today!!! :-)
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sweden trip report
Justin, Nico, Donal, Tim, Jason and myself flew out to Gothenburg for the weekend. We were going over there to play in a Deaf poker tournament as well as going for a massive drinking session. Upon touching down on the runway of Gothenburg airport, we remarked at how small the airport was! Then we stepped outside and it was really hot, we were all wearing jeans so we agreed that as soon as we arrived in the city, we would go shopping for shorts and t-shirts. After getting our shorts we arrived at the hostel, which was basic but very nice and clean. We then got changed into our shorts and t-shirts and went out walking through the city for a few drinks and dinner.
We meant to go back to get changed later for the night but we were enjoying drinking in the sun far too much. The streets of Gothenburg were full of beautiful women! There were so many of them!!! Later that evening we saw some Deaf people and went up to them. It figured that they were standing outside the Deaf club! We wanted to have a look inside at the poker tournament that was going on but were told we couldn’t, as it was full. But just as we were going to go to the pub next door, Richard from PTG told us that we could come in because we had flown all the way over from Ireland! Nice one! We went inside and it was packed! There must have been over 80
people in squeezed in one big room. I met Marcus and the other members of the PTG team who welcomed us. The Deaf club also sold beer, which was cheaper than in the pubs so we got a round in and started watching the tournament. The tournaments looked very good- every small detail was taken care of-the table numbers, the two decks of cards for each table and the poker clock program. They even had their own chips with their logo on it! They also had a casino table provided by their sponsors!
During the tournament the PTG team seemed very relaxed and experienced. Nothing seemed to faze them. We sat down on the couch behind the tables and watched the poker for a while. After about 15 minutes we agreed that the average PTG player is better than the average IDP player. PTG have been running since the last 3 years and have tournaments every 2 weeks so hopefully IDP will become like them! After a while it was proposed we play Omaha PL for 100SEK (€10) so we all played for a laugh. I of course got knocked out on the first hand when Tim got JJJJ!!
I then ordered a round of Jagemiester and couldn’t believe how cheap the shots were! €1.50 for a shot! CHEAPPPP!! Wooo hooo!!! All night long we started drinking Jago bombs (jagemiester with red bull) and it wasn’t long until we started to get drunk. After Richard had won the Omaha tournament, we said our goodbyes and went to the Dubliner pub. I don’t know how the bouncer let us all in, we were all wearing shorts and t-shirts. And we were all bloody drunk! Lol!! We started drinking more shots and beer. As the night went on, 4 of the boys wanted to go back to the hostel leaving Tim and me to carry on partying until closing time! Tim went back to the hostel at 6am; I didn’t get back till 9am. It was a very enjoyable day indeed!!! ;)
I woke up feeling like I was going to die of dehydration. I needed lucozade so badly. I have never ever had such a bad case of dehydration, felt so tired and thirsty! The boys were the same too but we forced ourselves to get dressed and walk down to the casino. The sun beating down on us didn’t help as we gasped for an energy drink. We finally arrived at the casino and it was really posh!!! Once we paid the 30SEK to enter, I just didn’t have the energy to gamble at blackjack so I just went straight to the poker room, got my seat number and sat down to rest myself. Each table had an interpreter sat beside the dealer, which was really good. I wondered how PTG could afford to pay them but I later found out that the government provided the interpreters! Pretty cool!!!
The tournament kicked off with 117 runners, with a 30minute clock with a 3k starting stack. I emailed Marcus the week before to ask if they could change the blind structure and the starting stack but it was out of his hands as it was the casino that decided it. I realised it was going to be very important to accumulate chips as early as possible. Tim, Jason and Justin were at the same table as each other and Donal and Nico shared the same table as well! I was the only Irish player at my table thank god. At my table I had Marcus sat to my left. The rest of the table I didn’t have a clue who they were. Within 10 minutes, I recognised that the old man two seats to my right was a fish. He had no concept of position and bet sizing. The same went for the Norwegian man who didn’t know what he was doing. In seat 2, there was Niklas who was a LAG and the table captain. Marcus, Johnny and the blonde girl fell into the TAG category. The rest I didn’t really think much of.
I got off to a terrible start when the blinds were 50/100. Nicolas raised 300 from UTG, folded around to me on the button with 99. I flat call because I think he has suited connectors like AJ, AQ. Flop comes down 5610 rainbow. Nicolas bets out 300, I think he missed the flop and so I raise to 750. He calls. We check down the turn and river, he shows 10d9d to take the pot and I’m left with 1950, which looks bad as the blinds are going up to 100/200 in 10minutes. I get a probe bet re-raised by Marcus and I am down to 1600! I look around at the Irish boys, Jason & Tim have got around 15k, Justin’s on 3k, Nico and Donal are on 4k! Shit!! I don’t want to be first out! Lol!!
I decide I have only two moves- All In/Fold when this hand happens at 100/200. I’m on the BB with 103o, gets two limpers. Flop comes down 1026 with two clubs. I look at the pot, its 700. I’ve only got 1500. I push in the dark hoping that no one hit the flop. The UTG+1 pushes as well and Johnny in CO+1 calls. I’m gutted, as I know I have to be behind so I get up to leave. UTG+1 shows Qh10h, Johnny shows Ac9c for a nut flush draw. My heart sinks because I know I’m practically dead and buried. The turn brings a 10 but I’m still behind as the UTG+1 has a better kicker. The river brings a 2 to give us both a full house. I breathe a sigh of relief and tell myself “you lucky bollix”. I am now nursing a 2k stack and don’t really do much until after the break when I am moved to a different table. The blinds were really hard to beat so I kept playing “All-In” or “fold”. I was short-stacked for about 4 hours, never above 10BB when this hand happens on another table I got moved to.
I don’t remember what blind level it was at, but there were a lot of short stacks at this stage because the blinds levels were too harsh. I picked up A8o on the button as the cards were being dealt and thought to myself “crap hand, I’m gonna fold this”. UTG who was the chip leader raised 3xBB, MP pushed. Then MP+1 pushed as well. I looked at the size of the pot and suddenly I was overcome with a premonition that I was going to scoop it. I cannot explain the feeling; it was like an overwhelming hunch. Another short stack in LP pushed as well and the pot was massive and the premonition was really really strong so I just thought “ Fuck it, this is the kind of pot I am going to need to win if I am going to stay in the tournament. If I’m gonna get knocked out, I rather get knocked out now than on the bubble” and found myself pushing even though I knew my ace was already dominated. The UTG was clearly not expecting 4 shorties to push and started to dwell. It became clear that he had a monster. I didn’t want him to call so I started trash-talking him to put him off calling. He eventually folded KK!!!!!!!!!! Against 4 short stacks whose ranges are so wide, that fold beggars belief! The 3 guys flipped over Ad10d, 99, KJo. Flop comes down 1056, turn 9 (cue brief cries of joy from the 99guy) and the river brings a glorious 7 to give me a runner-runner straight. Even though there were still around 30 players left, I get really confident about my chances of cashing as I’ve finally got a playable stack after playing ninja poker for the last 4/5 hours. At this stage Jason, Donal and Nico had been busted and were railing me, Justin and Tim who were playing together at the other table. Tim got busted about 30 minutes later and Justin was still short-stacked but was playing well stealing blinds and pushing in profitable spots.
Soon 30 became 20 and two tables were formed with Justin on the other one. I really start to go card-dead and resisting steals was hard to do as there was always a danger a shortie would push and leave me little room to manoeuvre. The casino’s blind structure was not great as everyone’s stacks were shallow. If it weren’t for the big pot I had scooped earlier, I probably would have struggled really badly here. But I allowed my stack to be blinded away as we quickly approached the bubble. Justin unfortunately went out in 12th place, 2 places away from the money and the bubble burst soon after and the final table was formed. I was the shortest stack on it- I only had 7BB. I wanted to give myself the best chance of cashing as much as I could so I decided to steal the blinds every two orbits with air if necessary. They managed to get through to give me a lifeline, as 10 players quickly became 6. I noticed the blinds were doubling yet again and asked for the previous level to be repeated because the average stack at the table was less than 15BB but the language barrier meant that I was coming across wrong and got treated like I was moaning. It also didn’t help that I was the short stack, which made it looked like I was only trying to save my own skin. There were other guys who were spewing away their chips and looked like they would be knocked out by the bigger stacks if they didn’t play more tactically, but I was still really struggling and became a bit tighter because I wanted to hang in there and hope these guys would be knocked out to allow me to finish higher up the money. My stack dwindled desperately down to 4BB and then the most beautiful sight greeted me- AA. I pushed and got called by the SB with Jh8h. The aces held and I doubled up to 8BB, which was still not enough. The very next hand a guy pushes from EP and I find AKo and call. My AK is good over his KQo and I now have 12BB. Buoyed by this, I start making moves and get my stack up to 15BB with steals. Soon there were only 3 of us left. We take a break and I have a word with the casino staff about the clock, as the blinds were about to jump from 5,000/10,000 to 10,000/20,000 when the average stack was about 150,000!!! They agree to freeze the 5,000/10,000 level, which buys me some time, as I’m short stacked with 60k and in the BB. I push with 10s9c and take the pot. The two other players have way more than me. I push again the next hand with Jd8d and get no callers. Then I push again for the third time in a row with Qh9d and get called with QcJc and I’m dominated. I pray for a 9 to hit the flop. It doesn’t but the flop brings two diamonds, the turn another diamond. I’m on a runner-runner flush draw but I turn around and face the Irish guys, as I don’t want to look at the river while it’s being dealt. I know by the look on their faces the river was a blank and I’m sent tumbling out in 3rd place for 7,000SEK, which was over €750. When I told some Swedish people I would like to give some of my winnings as a tip for the dealers, the general feedback I got was that it wasn’t common to tip the dealer in Sweden which I found a bit strange, as in Ireland you are expected to tip the dealer after getting a prize.Anyways the two guys later chop the prize even though the old guy had a 2:1 chip-lead. He was given the official finish of 1st place. I was exhausted and still dehydrated but I was glad I managed to get as far as I did in 3rd place as I got off to a terrible start. I felt it was a pity that the blind structure was harsh which saw the luck factor increased and play a big part in this tournament but that’s a matter for the Casino. The PTG team put on a great weekend and provided a well-organised weekend. After the tournament we all went back to the Deaf club where there were poker tournaments going on. I didn’t play in them, as I preferred to chat with Deaf people. I met Kristain, the Deaf guy who won a pot against “rainman” Khan in the WSOP with KK. He was pretty cool. The four lads played poker while me and Tim stayed for about an hour or two before leaving to go to a nightclub. It was pretty quiet night compared to the night before!!
We just spent the day walking around Gothenburg city, going into shops and pubs, and basically chilling out. The evening was pretty quiet because most people were back to work the next day. We drank until closing time and went back to our hostel to get a good night’s sleep as we had to be up early to catch the flight home. It was a weekend I really enjoyed, the Swedish people are really cool and easy to talk to. Poker was great fun; my weekend didn’t cost me anything as my winnings paid for everything! :-)
Have got a ticket for the APAT championship in Dublin for €96. The blind structure and clock is really beautiful so I hope to go deep in this. I also might play a CHL satellite tournament tonight for the Waterford Open, which is taking place at the weekend too. So if I get a ticket for the Waterford Open, I’ll sell my APAT ticket and play in the Waterford Open, as it’s a bigger tournament.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Another long post.. 100% poker!
Report 3rd May-I' m happy to report that the Irish Open Deaf Poker Championship was a great success!!! But the preparation and the aftermath of the Irish Open Deaf Poker Championship was stressful, sometimes I felt like banging my head off the wall especially when it came to arranging the return of equipment to Paddy Power. I felt it would be a better idea to have it in a casino the next time. Save more money that way anyways. The tournament itself was great fun, I was busy playing/worrying about everything but it was great to see everyone enjoy themselves. I wasn’t really looking forward to playing in the tournament itself but the usual bad standard was even worse because our players didn’t wanna get knocked out of the biggest tournament we have hosted to date. But I wasn’t complaining as I went into super-aggro style and hovered up the chips. I always wished I could understand the general banter in casinos/pubs as most of the time they seem to be having a good craic, so this time it was great having no communication issues with the table on this occasion and I made the most of it by trash talking most of the time which was pretty funny. Key hand for me was when I was chip leader at a table when I wake up and find KK, make a huge raise cos there were 4 limpers in the pot. Only one of them folds and the pot is now worth more than what I had behind. Flop comes down pretty shitty 599rainbow, gets checked to me and I push and get called by Nick O’Halloran with A9. I lose the head and tell him what a bad and risky pre-flop call it was to make when he had a comfortable chip count (he was 2nd chip leader) and he rubs it in my face smirking “But I won the pot” without any concept for overall expected value. With 5 BB left, I push with k8 suited and get a call from Stuart who dominates me with k10 and I’m out of the championship that I organised when the I get no help from the board. But thankfully some donkey didn’t win the whole thing. While the final table consisted of some really dodgy players, thankfully the title was contested between two good players in Julianne and Keenan, with Keenan coming out on top to win €920.
Report-10th May &17th May:: The following Saturday I played in the €55 DC in CHL. Even though I got off to a great start when I flopped a full house and was stacked by someone holding trips, I spewed it all over the place like some donkey calling in bad spots and being too overly aggro. I had been meaning to go back to reading strats and theory but didn’t and after that night feeling disappointed in myself, I decided to go on an undefined break and spent every night of the week reading strats online. The break was going well until last Friday when after working late at work, I was walking to my bus-stop and went by CHL but found the temptation to play in the €20 satellite far too tempting and went inside and only found 5 players playing with three tickets guaranteed!! It was great value and I got off to a brilliant start when I managed to get it in with quads against a full house! Lol!! We got down to four players and then all of a sudden a heated exchange of words breaks out between Mick and Declan who were sitting shoulder to shoulder with each other. I dunno what exactly was said but Mick was obviously annoyed cos he invited Declan to step outside and sort it out lol. Eventually the others calmed them both down and Mick had the satisfaction of busting Declan when his AK was too good over A8. I was really pleased to get a ticket worth €115 for the handsome sum of €20!
The €115 freezeout was really enjoyable. I had two really good players at my table, Mick and Conor (Lazare on boards). Mick kept using the stop & go tactic against me while Conor had a good read on me, often 3betting my pre-flop raises. So I tried to stay out of their way and pick up the small pots but my stack wasn’t increasing fast enough in proportion with the blinds so I had to get into pots with these two. I had to counter-act them so I started 4-betting Conor and calling Mick’s flop bets and pushing him off on the turn, a lot of the time with air which was a bit hairy for me. There were two major hands in the tournament that were significant to me. I had about 9k with blinds at 300-600, folded around to me on the button, I find KQo and raise to 1.4k, happy to take down the pot there and then. But Conor on the small blind, re-raises to 3k-I don’t like this but then the BB pushes his short stack of 5k in. It’s obvious what the BB is at but I’m glad he pushed as it makes my hand looks stronger than it does and I go all in myself. Conor dwells up as calling would take a massive chunk out of his stack but eventually he does and tables 66 whilst the BB tables 55. I got a beautiful king on the flop and the turn and river is a blank for the boys and my chip lead is boosted to 23k. Three hands later I tangle with Mick who I have just about covered. I limp in from CO with K10 suited. Mick raises on the BB and I call. The flop brings AK5 rainbow. Mick insta-bets. I know instantly from the bet size that he doesn’t have the Ace but I cannot afford to raise with ten as my kicker so I flat call. Turn comes 5. This is a great card for me. Mick puts out a small bet, he doesn’t exactly look that confident so I ask how much he has behind “About 10k”. I figure if I come over the top, he’ll fold. I want him to go all in so I flat call again. River gives a harmless looking 2 but Mick pauses before going all in. I don’t like his body language now, he looks very assured and instead of insta-calling, I stopped to ask myself if he would be mad enough to raise with X5 preflop? Or would he really play Ace rag this way? I wrack my brains as to why his body language changed on the river, it takes me about 4 minutes to decide. The only two things that swayed my original plan was Mick’s body language and my gut instinct. I folded showing my king and said “if you’re bluffing, by god it’s an excellent bluff”. He tabled 43 offsuit, the cheeky bollix was betting with air and got lucky on the river to give him the straight. I never entertained the idea that he had 43. Folding on the river on a pot of that size is generally a mistake but trusting my instinct turned out to be the right move although I did feel tilted that the play didn’t turn out how I wanted it to. Just as well for him the river gave him the gutshot straight. I was immediately back to where I was three hands ago and with the blinds going up and the final table being formed, I was pretty much amongst shorties. I didn’t wanna play tight until the bubble burst so I just went into aggro mode and got busted when a steal went wrong and ran into a pair of aces. Win some, lose some I guess!!
23rd May: A week later I played in the €30 FO in the Fitzwilliam on the Sunday after watching Leeds lose their playoff final 1-0 to Doncaster which was sickening. The prospect of League one football next season is depressing! Anyway The Fitzwilliam really impressed me, the place is big and feels like a proper card club. There were over 60 runners there but the standard was woeful and I quickly amassed a very healthy chip lead and got to the final table with Tim. Long story cut short, I pushed with KK and got called by some fool with A10 who of course spiked an ace on the flop to leave me gasping for breath with 4BB, which I push on the next hand with KQo and get called with JJ. No help from the board and I’m out in 8th place for €50. Lol donkaments!
3rd June: Am writing a report about Sweden-will post it up within the next few days.